Which Physical Therapy school do you want to attend?
Based on your criteria and credentials
How It Works
Sifting Criteria
You can choose the states, scores, cost, and more to sift the large results down to the most applicable ones.
Enter GRE Scores
GRE scores are important since many schools require them.
Upload Transcript
Upload the transcript of your universities and colleges.
AI Advisor
Many graduates have tips and tricks if they could do it again. Our AI advisor will help you find the right path tailored for you.
Automated Transcript
Using some of the most advanced technology, we will automatically extract the data, credits, and grades from your transcript and tailor the schools based on it.
Financial Loan Calculator
Get a tailored loan schedule, payment, amortization schedule with amort curves based on the school you have selected.
Large Database of Schools
Get access to all the schools that match your criteria and scores. These schools have been selected by our team based on accreditation status.
Invest in a plan that's as ambitious as your goals.
Compare the benefits and features of each plan below to find the ideal match for your budget and ambitions.
do it yourself
limited schools and limited sifting criteria
2 Schools
4 Sifting Criteria
Manual Transcript Upload
AI Academic Advisor
Financial Loan Calculator
Unlimited schools and unlimited sifting criteria with AI
Unlimited Schools
Unlimited Sifting Criteria
AI Transcript Upload
AI Academic Advisor
Financial Loan Calculator